Registration for the
Young Artists Contest
is now closed.

Event details below.

Already Registered?

Here's what to do next!

Young Artist's
Contest Rules & Info


Young Artists

This annual Young Artist Competition celebrates young artists by giving them a chance to show their art in a public forum.

The exhibition invites artists ages 9-18 to submit artworks created from their own thoughts, feelings, observations, and experiences.

A variety of media is displayed, including 2-dimensional paintings, drawings, mixed media, and digital art. 

Winning artists will be announced the day of the live event. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @give4kidz for updates.

Submission Rules:
    • Digital Artwork – email one (1) piece of             digital artwork to [email protected] by         9/25/2024 12am midnight PST. Provide           your full name, City/State/Country, and
       an optional photo of yourself.
     • Physical Artwork – Register one (1)
         piece of physical art at the venue the
         day of the event between 11:00am -                 12:30pm   

Age Group categories:
    ~ 9 to 11
    ~ 12 to 14
    ~ 15 to 18
One winner from each category will be chosen.

What do I do next?
1. Email the permission form to [email protected]
2. Read contest rules
3. Create an original art piece
4. Submit digital art by September 25th, 12am-midnight PST via email to [email protected] & physical art the day of the event.
5. Follow us on social media for updates and announcements (links at bottom of page)
6. Attend the live event
    ~ October 5th, 2024         
    ~ The Cheech Marin Museum 3581                      Mission Inn Avenue Riverside, CA 92501

Event Day Schedule: 
10:45am - 12:00pm:
Physical Art Drop-off Window
11:00am-1:45pm: Workshops 
11:30am: Young Authors Celebration
11:40pm: V.E. Schwab Message, Author
12:00pm: Young Authors Winners
12:30pm - 1:30pm: Art viewing 
1:30pm: Young Artist Celebration
1:40pm: Keynote Speaker, Rainbow Mosho
1:55pm: Guest Artist, Ezekiel Whiteman
2:10pm: Award Ceremony, Announce Winners
2:30pm: Event Ends

Dates to Remember:
    ~ September 25th: Last day to submit                 digital art entries via email to                             [email protected]
    ~ October 5th: Event Day
    ~ October 5th: Drop off physical art                      between 10:30am - 12:00pm

Happy Creating!